Who Are We

Manna is a trusted marketplace for Healthcare Providers and Vendors. We are your go-to source for access to healthcare’s finest facilities and providers. We provide guidance as you are connected with case managers, discharge planners and service providers. We pride ourselves on showing you how to expand your online presence and help you collaborate with other healthcare professionals.

Why We Stand Out

Manna is all about building relationships. We help you to build strong connections, give you a platform to highlight your organization, and increase your visibility. Do you need help in getting noticed by discharge planners at Hospitals and other healthcare organizations? We can assist potential clients and collaborators to find your services more easily.

What It All Means

This industry has changed, and it will continue to change in the foreseeable future. Claim your listing and become a part of our growing community. You can make a difference and share your educational articles on our Blog Page, post an Event or Job opportunity today. Together, we can face all the problems that are preventing our industry from achieving ultimate growth.

Our Mission

The mission at Manna is to connect Case Managers and Discharge Planners to local Healthcare providers and vendors in Greater Houston Area.
Manna provides the tools and resources that Case Managers need, to provide customized care for their client’s or patient’s individualized needs. These tools and resources will make the discharge planning process go much more smoothly.
Our website provides everything needed for completing the discharge process.
Manna provides the platform that closes gaps in communication, offers networking, delivers local resources, and builds community relationships. At Mana we help by serving our clients, patients, families, communities, and one another in a much more efficient way.

How Manna Works

Search Health Care Providers and Vendors

Use our website to search health care providers and vendors by needed service, location or by specific insurance carrier. It is easy to search and create a personalized list, to give to your clients to choose from. You will also have quick access to resources and services in your client’s communities.

Contact Health Care Providers and Vendors

Once you find a healthcare provider or vendor that satisfies your needs, you can contact them to get additional information by using our innovative communication system embedded on our provider’s page. The Contact Now tab will allow you to send a message directly to the company’s representative or admissions department. The Private Line Chat tab will allow instant messaging access to the company’s representative or admission rep. In addition, the company’s contact information is available, cutting out the need for futile, time robbing internet searches. Our members are happy to hear from you!

Stay Connected Through the Acceptance Process

Staying connected throughout the acceptance and discharge process is crucial. Manna will help you stay connected and updated throughout the admission and discharge process by using the Private Line Chat. Instantly send and receive updates, request additional information, get updates on insurance approvals, and when the MOT is available. Manna will help you every step of the way.